Monday, July 30, 2012

Back on Track

Attending Restoring Love in Dallas, I'm experiencing a personal renaissance. About six years ago, I established a non-profit organization called "Shelanu: Direct Representation Israel." It's purpose was to re-establish the importance of the individual in the relationship between citizens and Israeli lawmakers. In particular, Shelanu promoted direct, plurality elections such that 120 Members of Knesset would be directly elected in 120 districts in Israel.

Shelanu has not succeeded. Not yet. The organization has attracted some wonderful, dedicated people into its fold, most of whom were native Israelis. But, it has not gained the critical mass of activists and supporters needed to turn the enterprise into the organic, viral movement necessary to achieve the influence and change it sought. I've spent many hours wondering what was missing in my efforts and in the design of the movement. I think I see what's been missing.

Changing the system of government in Israel will require a huge shift of active, public support towards individual responsibilities and rights. It will mean a public rejection of collectivist patronage in favor of a mass movement of individual rights and responsibilities; of giving and living freely. It will require an unequivocal declaration that social solutions are not the responsibility or mandate of the government; the government is responsible only for securing life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The army. The courts. The roads. The records. Religious organizations, not funded by government, could handle welfare functions, locally and with familiarity. With holiness and love.

I just have to readjust the blueprint of a movement,.

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